Monday, November 17, 2008

Renewable vs. Nonrenewable - 11/17/08

Decide whether clean air is a renewable or nonrenewable resource and defend your opinion.


Tommy said...

In my opinion, clean air is a renewable resource. I am not implying that we will always have clean air, or that we might not have to work to keep it clean, but I believe we can keep it clean. A non-renewable resource is a resource, like oil, that we will eventually run out of for good. Nothing we do (at the current state of science and economics) can "make" more oil. I know in another million years it will replenish, but that is too long to account for our rapid usage.
Air, on the other hand, can be purified and even kept clean by lowering our emissions. It is expensive, but air smog can be removed and air can be made clean. As an ultimatum, we can chemically filter out oxygen and wear oxygen tanks on our backs. Obviously, this is not ideal, but it is "clean" air.

Ajay said...

I believe clean air is a renewable resource, but not an easy resource to renew. Like desalinization with water, if we were to run out of our clean supply, we would be forced to filter all our air, which is not very effective, and fairly expensive. Clean air is renewable, but should be treated as a nonrenewable resource. We need to do all we can to keep our air clean, as it is very hard to renew.

Tommy said...

Responding to Ajay...
I agree with you completely. Air is renewable, as we both said in our posts, but it is very expensive to renew. Furthermore, air pollution contributes to ozone damage. Our ozone is also, in my opinion, a renewable resource, but it is even more expensive to fix than air or water. Therefore, we should, as you said, treat clean air as a non-renewable resource so that we save money for ourselves and do not permanently harm ourselves.

Ajay said...

@Tommy: I agree with you that the ozone should be protected, but I wanted to correct you on something. The only thing needed to "fix" the ozone is to stop the emission of CFCs and other pollutants. Ozone is rapidly created on its own by sunlight's interaction with water, so no "repairs" are actually needed. Only the end of emissions is needed to fix the ozone.

Otherwise, I completely agree with everything else you've said.

Tommy said...

Responding to Ajay...
We actually can "fix" the ozone by injecting ozone, which is O3 gas, into the atmosphere. However, like I said before, it is very expensive.

aaryn p1 said...

i think that clean air is a renuable resourse, becasue if people make an effort we can always have clean air. But if people don't care enough about our air, then it will go away. So i guess in someways it is both renuable, and nonrenuable. But it should wlways be renuable. If worst came to worse, we would have to make clean air ourself, which is very expensive. So everyone should do there best to keep it clean, therefor it can stay a renuable resource.

Brandon Pd 1 said...

Upon further research, I would have to declare that air is a renewable resource. By nature the definition of a renewable resource is “any natural resource (as wood or solar energy) that can be replenished naturally with the passage of time”. So the question presented is “Is air naturally replenished?” The answer is yes. All the air on the Earth, including the air we breathe contains chemicals known as hydroxyl radicals. These hydroxyl radicals in the air react with pollution and will neutralize most of the contaminants. But radicals in the air are not the only method of pollution neutralization. The process of photosynthesis can remove CO2, and pollution that is absorbed into the oceans can form bicarbonate and carbonate ions, which are chemically stable. Also natural processes such as rain can remove water vapor from the atmosphere in the process of condensation. Finally, cosmic radiation from the sun and ultraviolet rays from space can chemically break down pollution.

But even with all of Earth’s natural pollution neutralization, the Earth can only keep up very slowly. If pollution were to rise rapidly, the Earth would not be able to keep up with the pollution. This evidently calls for clean air legislation, such as those passed by Richard Nixon. But clean air legislation can only go so far, as many liberals in Congress favor the horribly unbalanced Kyoto Treaty.

Priya Vij, per 1 said...

I believe that clean air is a renewable resource. I believe this because it fits the def'n of a renewable resource which is bascially that if earth's natural process's can take care of cleaning in then it is a natural resouce. The natural process that is most obvios is the one between humans and trees/plants. we breathe air and breath it out as CO2 and the trees "breathe" our CO2 and change it to air. Air is a renewable resource because it is part of a natural process. Also, it is important to realize that we are responsible for keeping air clean. POllution is all directly related to human activiites.

Priya Vij, per 1 said...

Responding to Ajay and tommy. I completely agree with you guys that air is indeed a renewable resource, but it appears that you both are saying that even though it is renewable we still shoudn't take it for granted. If worse can to worst then we could clean our air , and like you guy said it is very expensive?

Heres another thought for you...if we HAD to filter our air inorder to breathe it, what affect might this have on our suffering economy????

Brandon Pd 1 said...

Filtering air is highly impractical. There is no technology known to man which could filter polluted air at a rate that exceeds the amount of pollution being placed into the air.

And if it was practical the costs would be astronomical.

Anonymous said...

Air is a renewable resource. The same amount of air has been on the earth since the earth was created.If it were nonrenewable wouldn't we be running out of air right now. Also as soon as we use air it is converted back from carbon dioxide into normal air. Thus, since air is constantly cleaned and purified by natural processes it is renewable.

Anonymous said...

Responding to what Ajay said. If air is very expensive to renew, wouldn't we run out of it. Because humans only have the power to renew air during the last 50 years, what were we doing before then, just not using air. Think for millions of years air has been renewing itself, according to you words air must be renewed by manmade processes. The problem is there were no manmade processes in the dinosaur era.

Tommy said...

Responding to Priya...
I am not quite sure what you are trying to say. It sounds like you are agreeing with me and Ajay, but in the end you said that filtering air might have detrimental effect on our already crippled economy. If you noticed, I did say that it would be very expensive. However, the point is that is IS renewable.

bailee period 1 said...

i think air is a renewable resource because we can always have clean air. cleaning may be expensive or hard to do but if we needed it im sure we could do it. also it does not fit into the non renewable resource category because it does not take long to rebuild. air is also a renewable resource because earths natural processes take care of it, humans breath in the oxygen and plants breathe in the co2. we release co2 and palnts release osygen. so i consider clean air to be a renewable resource

bailee period 1 said...

responding to frank.
i don't completely understand what your saying. he didnt say it had to be renewed through a man made process they said if worst came to worst we could. also think about in the dinosaur era they didnt have all this pollution that we create from our factories, cars and ect.

Brandon Pd 1 said...

Multiple people on this blog have brought this up but have not given an example!

How do we filter outside air?

I have never heard of a single way to clean the outside air. How would this process be performed? Ionization, ozone generation, ect.?

Priya Vij, per 1 said...

Responding to Bailee. I totally agree with you. Air is definately a renewable resource because it fits the definition! theres nothing more to it! Earth's natural processes clean the air and therefore its renewable. Up until now this is going smoothly, however with all the pollution and harmful emissions who knows what will happen. Is is possible that this renewable resource may turn into a NONrenewable resource??

Ajay said...

@Brandon: After researching, I realized that you're correct. There is no known way to filter outside air in a safe fashion. The only way it could work would be using a large ionic air purifier, but this would be highly impractical. I suppose large-scale ozone injections would be plausible as well, but very detrimental to our health.

Andy Waldo, p.1 said...

I believe clean air is a renewable resource. We can filter the air, not cost effective, or plant more plants, which is much easier. Plants take in CO2 and turn it into oxygen or air.

Brandon Pd 1 said...

Yes, my point was quite clear. Besides no technology being avaliable; How would you clean the air? Theoretically you would need to filter all of Earth's air in a matter of minutes.

Anonymous said...

Responding to what Bailee said. We don't need to clean the air ourselves we already have natural processes that clean the air for us. What do you think the dinosaurs did? I'm pretty sure they didn't have the technology to filter the air, we have only had that technology for a few decades and only on a small scale. Air is most efficiently filtered naturally by the plants,oceans, and other biological processes on the earth. Why do people keep bringing up artificially filtering air? It is only a senseless waste of money that we only need as a last resort if our air became so polluted that there was no way but the filter it. For 500 million years since there was life on earth we have not needed to manually renew Earth's air so why do we need to do it now? Thus, air is a renewable resource that can be artificially renewed although it is not NECESSARY.

Brandon Pd 1 said...

In response to Frank. You seem to be contradicting yourself. Your last comment you said; and I quote "What do you think the dinosaurs did?". Why, Frank. Let me answer your perplexing question.

Ahem. The dinosaurs did not have factories, vehicles, chemicals, paint, hair spray, varnish, nuclear weapons, chemical biotoxic weapons, or rockets.

All the air pollution on Earth has been produced by man. Only dust, methane, and smoke are key natural sources for pollution.

I hope I answered your question.

Rick Per. 1 said...

I think air is rnewable becayse we can replenish air by planting trees. Since trees take in Co2 and release oxygen, it creates more air for us to breath.

Rachel Pd. 1 said...

In my opinion clean air is a renewable resource. A nonrenewable resource would be something like oil. Oil is a nonrenewable resource that we have now but at the rate that we are using oil it will soon be gone. In a million years or so we will once again have oil, but not in our life time.
Air however, is always here. It is the base of life and without it we cannot survive. Yes, our air can get polluted and we need to work hard to keep it clean. iAir is a renewable resource because it can be cleaned and used over and over again.

Rick Per. 1 said...

@Tommy: I agree with you that air is renewable, we should try to keep our ozone complete even though it does rejuvinate over time.

Becca ^^ said...

I agree with both Frank's and Brandon's comments.
Frank: Plants, for example, do fumigate air, but only so that it purifies a very insignificant amount which wouldn't be efficient enough to cleanse Earth's entire atmosphere.
Brandon: I completely agree with you on your last comment responding to Frank's. Bingo! It's obvious that dinosaurs didn't have "factories, vehicles, hairspray...etc." Even with all the methane and ammonia that existed back then, still doesn’t even begin to cover the large amount of pollution on Earth at this very second. Don't you find it kind of disturbing that most factories and other machinery still operate on fossil fuels, consisting of 350 million year old ancient dinosaur remains? I do. :)

Rachel Pd. 1 said...

@ Rick: I agree with you trees help clean the air and turn it from carbon dioxide to oxygen. The only problem is that trees are being cut down and are not being replanted. To continue using trees as a part of the air cleaning cycle we need to protect the trees and forests.

Rick Per. 1 said...

@ajay: I agree with you that air is renewable, but should be trated as a nonrenewable resource so we never have to take such drastic steps as filtering all of our air supply.

Brandon Pd 1 said...

Rachel, I would have to agree with you. People typically overlook the benefits of trees.

Trees settle out, and trap dust, ash, smoke.

They absorb CO2.

Trees produce enough oxygen for 18 people every day.

Of course there are some tradeoffs. When trees trap toxins and pollution, they are diverted into the soil. These toxins then can prohibit the growth of future plants or crops.

aaryn p1 said...

bailee -
i hadnt thought about what you said about them not being able to fit in the nonrenuable catacorie, becasue they can be renued. i totally agree with it. becasue in spectrom with other resource it is renued very quickly. also about how its part of the natural circle of life, is a nother valid point, that i hadnt thought of! it makes perfect sence, we work in harmony with the trees, they keep us alive.

Rachel Pd. 1 said...

@ Brandon: What you said about trees absorbing toxins and then diverting the toxins into the ground was something I had not thought about.

It is very important though. If the ground is polluted then we cannot grow plants and trees. If we cannot grow trees then we lose that way to clean the air. It is all one big circle. We have to work hard to stop polluting the air because if we do not then we can lose a very important source of food.

Lauren Bacon- period 1 said...

In my opinion, air is a renewable resource. Air is made up of 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen. Nitrogen cannot be renewed but oxygen, as previously stated, is renewed by plants as they take in CO2 and release oxygen. Although nitrogen is nonrenewable and is the majority of air, it does not need to be renewed due to the fact that nothing actually consumes nitrogen. Therefore, air must be renewable because oxygen is renewable and what is not renewable does not need to be renewed (so it is already present). In addition, natural processes result in the production of oxygen and thus make air renewable. In conclusion, air is a renewable resource (feel free to ask questions because I know my first explanation was a bit rocky).

Lauren Bacon- period 1 said...

Responding to Priya’s first comment. I definitely agree with your definition and your explanation when you stated that plants produce oxygen and we produce CO2. In addition, I find it interesting how you noticed that we are responsible for polluting the air but also cleaning the air. Thank you for that incredible realization.

Elisa said...

Well, in my opinion water can be both renewable and nonrenewable. It is a constantly recycled resource between plants and anmial/human life. It's used over and over again. But, on the otherhand air can get contaminated, therefore life(plants, animals, humans) can't use it. Eventually the contamination will get the better of us. That's why it is important not to polute and such. As of now though I would consider air more renewable than nonrenewable.

Elisa said...

Responding to Priya's comment:

I agree with you completely. In order to keep recycling air the way we do we need to stop cutting down trees and forests. Although some people think we can keep using this as a filter you really can't because every day more and more are being cut down.

Eric O. p. 1 said...

I think that air is a renewable resource but it would be very costly and difficult. It would also take a very long simply because there is so much of it and it would we have already contaminated it quite a bit. It can be done but not easily and not cheaply.

Brandon Pd 1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brandon Pd 1 said...

In response to Lauren, I would just like to state for the record that many forms of organic life depend on nitrogen.

Amino acids are formed from nitrogen.

DNA and RNA are formed from bases of nitrogen.

And plants require nitrogen for the process of photosynthesis. Plants do not absorb CO2 solely; their main requirement is nitrogen.

And finally, do you want to live in a pure oxygen environment? I sure don’t.

bailee period 1 said...

i agree with Rachel responding to Rick. we do need to protect the forest and keep the trees alive with out all the trees and plants air could not be renewable cause nature couldn't reproduce it. i think a lot of people take our trees and air for granted when with out trees clean air for us to breathe wouldnt be possible and we need air.

Lauren Bacon- period 1 said...

Responding to Bailee's first comment. I agree with your statement that air is incapable of being nonrenewable due to the fact that it is taken care of by Earth's natural processes. You are without a doubt correct when you say that air is a renewable resource.

Elisa said...

In response to Eric:

Isn't that technically not a renewable resource then? because the definition says is "naturally" renewed or used. It will eventually have to be filtered as it gets more and more contaminated. It's very costly. I suppose that would still be counted as a renewable resource because after it's filtered nature would just take its natural course.I agree with you. I'm just wondering what exactly does the definition of renewable resource mean by "naturally"?

Becca ^^ said...

I'm agreeing with Erik and whoever else stated that air is a renewable resource; because it is. Only it's very costly to fumigate, and that it probably going to be impossible to purify all of Earth's air particles.

aaryn p1 said...

rick -
i agree with you about always beingable to plant tres when we need more air. but what if we cnt plant the trees as fast as needed? and the air is being polluted fasted then we can clean it. then we would run into a problem. thats why everyone should keep the air as clean as they can! and the it wil always be renuable!

Ross period.1 said...

I believe that air is a renewable resource for the following reasons. Trees are able to create oxygen and plants can take co2 and turn it into oxygen

Ross period.1 said...

Andy: I completly agree with you to say that plants help to create oxygen co2 and I agree with rick that we should treat it is as a nonrenewable resources

Hannah S. Period 1 said...

I think that air is a renewable resource because as of now, there is an endless amount of it and it is a source that is constantly recycled over and over again. However, I am not sure that air will ALWAYS be a renewable resouce due to the fact that our air quality is decreasing and there is a good chance that eventually our clean, fresh air could run out.

Hannah S. Period 1 said...

@ rachel's first comment:
I understand what you are saying about air being a renewable resource opposed to oil however, if you think about it there is a good chance that eventually air will become so polluted that we will not be able to breathe it anymore. Obviously, this would not happen for many years so, as for now I agree with your statement that air is a renewable resource.

Ross period.1 said...

Lauren: I agree with our statement that the air is made up of 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen. So nitrogen can't be renewed naturally and oxygen can

Anonymous said...

Air is a renewaable resource. It it also very hard to renew but it can be worth it. Already we have to aid to it because WE as humans are killing it. Already we work for it so why dont we work a little harder and have nice clean air. Nature already does part of the job through photosynthesis. This is why i believe that air is a renewable resource.

Anonymous said...

You took th ewords right out of my mouth. I totally and completly agree with you. On everything that you said! :)